4th edition of the Journal brings the feminine courage and inspiration of the kiirtan

In the last edition of Dharma for all Journal, we opened a controversial subject in Ananda Marga: the practice of universalism. How many people feel subtly or explicitly excluded or inferior, within the community...

Issue #3 – Online Magazine

https://issuu.com/dharmaforalljournal/docs/issue__3_english Would you like to... know more about who LFTs (full-time volunteers) are and what they do? delight in pracarakachef Iasodhara's coconut Panna Cotta (and her stories)? investigate how we, in Ananda Marga, are being universalists in practice? know...

Prize draw – watercolors with the mantra Baba nam kevalam – how to participate

Namaskar dear readers, Still in this festive mood, celebrating one year of the Journal and Ananda Purnima, we would like to bestow you with a prize draw of four beautiful watercolors, printed in A4 size...

Project Moving Together

Dharma for all joyfully invited all the margiis from Brazil to together reflect and discuss many relevant subjects during 2019, in order to in 2020, be able to act in coordinated cooperation, elaborating and...

We continue to move together, creating a database of dharma pracar initiatives

July arrives bringing our 8th edition of the Dharma for all Journal. Happy with the feedback from our dear readers, whose numbers are increasing every day! Our website has already reached the mark of...
fotos da equipe d4all journal

Who we are and what does this have to do with you!

The Dharma for all Journal was born in April but begins much earlier. It has been gestating for a number of months through the work of a dedicated and resilient team that was bent...

Do you know who is behind the journal?

Dharma for All was born in 2014, based on the initiative of four ananda margiis, with the purpose of supporting pracar activities in Brazil and in other countries. Whether it is encouraging existing work...

3rd edition: we started small, but we thought big!

The Dharma for all Journal began by focusing exclusively on Brazilian projects and pracarakas. But since its conception, its mission was to connect with good news globally. So now we take another step forward...

Inspire and provoke – what do you expect of us?

We began the sixth edition of the Dharma for all the Journal - the last one of 2018. We feel young, with a mix feeling of partly consolidating the knowledge about who we are....

We have reached the second edition – and what have we learned so far?

Last week we closed our first edition. We now start the second. For us, it was and has been an intense and rewarding journey. And like any new project, we had to recalculate the...

About Dharma for All Journal

"Dharma for all Journal - Good News Connecting Us" is a newsletter produced by Dharma for all, a nonprofit organization. Its purpose is to share content that strengthens people who identify with the principles of Ananda Marga and make it easier for those principles to reach more people with breadth, impact and efficiency.

The content is directed to the entire Ananda Marga community, regardless of lines, institutions or groups. Publications are held weekly on the Dharma for All Journal website and on the Facebook page, and at the end of the month they are organized in a Digital Magazine. To accompany us, short our page and / or subscribe to our site to receive the magazine. It is free.