4th edition of the digital magazine brings the strength of the women of Ananda...

https://issuu.com/dharmaforalljournal/docs/issue__4_-_english The beautiful illustration of Mariana Luz is the cover of our fourth edition of the Dharma for all Journal, in its digital version. The image was chosen for inspiring the place of potency that...

Thoughts and inspiration in the sixth issue of the Dharma for all Journal magazine

https://issuu.com/dharmaforalljournal/docs/issue__6_-_english_ The article about the different ways of practicing and enjoying kiirtan was the most read from this issue. Did you read this one? Kamaleshvara's story, Ghrii Acarya in Italy, inspired us as much as the article...

We have reached the second edition – and what have we learned so far?

Last week we closed our first edition. We now start the second. For us, it was and has been an intense and rewarding journey. And like any new project, we had to recalculate the...

The inspiration of the service devoted by the wholetimers, in the 5th issue of...

https://issuu.com/dharmaforalljournal/docs/issue__5-_english Becoming a devotee of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti and accepting the challenge to dedicate time, in this life and in the next ones, to take all human beings to the path of bliss! This is...

Journal completes one year connecting good news throughout the planet

"All of you, boys and girls, each one of you is VIP - a very important person" Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji That's why the ”Dharma for all Journal” completes a very happy year for being a...

Pracaraka Samgha Study Group – getting closer every day!

* Dharma for all editorial In this issue we will talk about the Pracaraka Samgha Study Group, an initiative of Dharma for all that aims to encourage sadhakas (spiritual practitioners) to better understand the...

We continue to move together, creating a database of dharma pracar initiatives

July arrives bringing our 8th edition of the Dharma for all Journal. Happy with the feedback from our dear readers, whose numbers are increasing every day! Our website has already reached the mark of...
fotos da equipe d4all journal

Who we are and what does this have to do with you!

The Dharma for all Journal was born in April but begins much earlier. It has been gestating for a number of months through the work of a dedicated and resilient team that was bent...
Foto dos membros do Dharma For All

Editorial: an invitation to the pracarakas

Namaskar! It is with great satisfaction that we margiis have begun this vehicle of communication, which aims to update, inform, inspire and above all create networks to spread the Dharma. Our goal is pracar, the propagation...

DMS in Brazil: What Happened There Affects Us All

Editorial D4all* The Dharma Maha Sammelan (DMS) in Brazil generated a lot of expectation, not only in Georgetown sector but around the world. This was because the margiis in Brazil are united, unlike in other...

About Dharma for All Journal

"Dharma for all Journal - Good News Connecting Us" is a newsletter produced by Dharma for all, a nonprofit organization. Its purpose is to share content that strengthens people who identify with the principles of Ananda Marga and make it easier for those principles to reach more people with breadth, impact and efficiency.

The content is directed to the entire Ananda Marga community, regardless of lines, institutions or groups. Publications are held weekly on the Dharma for All Journal website and on the Facebook page, and at the end of the month they are organized in a Digital Magazine. To accompany us, short our page and / or subscribe to our site to receive the magazine. It is free.