Special Series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 5 – Wholetimers
The fourth part of the "dharma pracar workers" series deals with full-time acaryas (teachers): monks and nuns who dedicate themselves exclusively to Baba's mission, renouncing their personal, social and family lives.
In order to become...
Special series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 1
Dharma is a central point of the philosophy of Shri Shri Anandamurti. It is, according to him, the intrinsic nature of all objects, animate or inanimate. In the case of human beings, their nature...
Special Series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 6 – Family Acaryas
The sixth and final part of the “dharma pracar workers” is about the family acaryas or ghrii acaryas: people who not only devote themselves to family life and work but also serve Baba's mission...
Special Series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 3 – LFTs
For those who want to get to know Ananda Marga better, becoming an LFT (local fulltimer, or full-time volunteer - free translation) can be a great opportunity. First, the candidate must attend an acarya-led...
Special Series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 4 – Tattvikas
Tattvikas balance family life and inspiration of people for spiritual philosophy
Tattvika is the name given to instructors qualified to spread the philosophy of Ananda Marga collectively. At the beginning of the Ananda Marga, Baba...
Special Series: Universalism – Part 2 – Does our universalist outlook include women?
"My experience as a woman within Ananda Marga is horrible. If you start to stand out a little more, you are boycotted. I'm telling you from 30 years of experience. If you do something,...
Special Series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 2 – Margiis
An anandamargii is the one who chose to follow the philosophy of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, accepting the mission of self-realization (atma moksartham) and service to the creation (jagat hitaya ca). Thus, the essence of...
Special series: Universalism (part 3) – Are there black voices in Ananda Marga?
At first glance, questioning the existence of black voices in Ananda Marga may seem irrelevant, since Ananda Marga proposes a universalist philosophy. However, the racism that occurs in society is reflected among...
Special Series: Universalism – Part 1. Are we universalists in practice?
P.R. Sarkar enphazises universalism as an ideal to be achieved. For this to be possible, the human being must fight against two tendencies: i) geo-sentiment, expressed by a feeling of superiority due to the...