Explain meditation to any person, with the book 10% Happier, from Dan Harris, by...

This book is a masterclass on how to explain the value of meditation to even the greatest sceptic.  Popular ABC newsreader, Dan Harris, walks us through his journey from self-destructiveness to self discovery, from...

Health Valley offers costless good food in the heart of Salvador, BA (Brazil)

Anyone who arrives at Rua Direita da Piedade in downtown Salvador could confuse Health Valley with one of several local non-vegetarian establishments where local people go during their lunch break. The restaurant does not...

Close your eyes and open your mind, by Indrajit (Igor Amin)

Do you know when you find out about Beatle George Harisson's favorite books and you are excited to hear him say in an interview that the book touches the hearts of all religions? He...

The Philosophy of Neo-Humanism, presented by Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, by Avadhutika Ananda Usa Acarya

Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar presented in 1982, in India, the philosophy of Neo-humanism. The book “The Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism” was based on his discourses on the magnificent ideology of the path of...

“Life is simple” brings simple and powerful kiirtan

Anil (Alexandre Rizzo) used to play kiirtan only for himself. However, the acarya who initiated him, Acarya Dharmadevananda Avadhuta, insisted that he should play in public. Anil accepted the challenge and made his debut...

Sol Aeternus – Sojha’s new album

It is almost impossible to go to an Ananda Marga retreat without someone playing a kiirtan written by Sojha — at least in the West. Led by the Canadians Jagatbandhu and Liilamaya, the group...

About Dharma for All Journal

"Dharma for all Journal - Good News Connecting Us" is a newsletter produced by Dharma for all, a nonprofit organization. Its purpose is to share content that strengthens people who identify with the principles of Ananda Marga and make it easier for those principles to reach more people with breadth, impact and efficiency.

The content is directed to the entire Ananda Marga community, regardless of lines, institutions or groups. Publications are held weekly on the Dharma for All Journal website and on the Facebook page, and at the end of the month they are organized in a Digital Magazine. To accompany us, short our page and / or subscribe to our site to receive the magazine. It is free.