Anyone who arrives at Rua Direita da Piedade in downtown Salvador could confuse Health Valley with one of several local non-vegetarian establishments where local people go during their lunch break. The restaurant does not try to appear as a refuge for the chic and alternative. On the contrary. “The purpose is to provide healthy, affordable food for the population that works and / or resides in the center of Salvador,” says Mandakini (Maria Helena Lulio), one of the partners.

It is a popular self-service vegetarian restaurant, with vegan options and a menu that does not include garlic, onions, eggs or mushrooms. It also has a snack bar with vegetarian snacks and natural juices that attracts all kinds of people, seduced by the combination of good price and good taste (and, why not, health!). The restaurant also has a shop with natural products.

The locale was founded by Jiivesh (Johnny Row Quashi), who later added partners Sandiipan (Hu Zi lPan) and Mandakini—all practitioners of Ananda Marga. Among the specialties of the house are the whole-wheat pizza (every Friday), the vegetarian bean stew (Wednesdays and Saturdays), and whole-wheat bread. In addition, of course, to the vegetarian abará – a seafood-free version of the traditional Bahian dish, made with the same base as acarajé but instead of being fried, it is boiled.

Salvador is one of the Brazilian cities most visited by both Brazilian and foreign tourists. For Ananda Margiis, it is always a relief to be able to travel to a big city and know that you will find food suitable for spiritual practice and, moreover, cheap. Therefore, whenever your travels lead you to Pelourinho, or to one of the beautiful beaches of the capital of Bahia, you can satisfy your hunger in this delicious valley of health.

Health Valley Brazil * Rua Direita da Piedade, 17 – Centro – Salvador – BA – Brazil

Monday to Saturday: 11am to 3pm (restaurant)

Monday to Friday: 9 am to 7 pm (shop and cafeteria)

By Gurucaran (Gustavo Prudente)