9th edition of the Journal, with more changes toward our common, unchanging goal, Parama...

This quinquelemental universe is a relative truth, a changing reality, a passing phenomenon – a passing flow of constantly changing events. It rests on the three pillars of the...

The Philosophy of Neo-Humanism, presented by Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, by Avadhutika Ananda Usa Acarya

Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar presented in 1982, in India, the philosophy of Neo-humanism. The book “The Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism” was based on his discourses on the magnificent...

Special Series: Dharma Pracar Workers – Part 6 – Family Acaryas

The sixth and final part of the “dharma pracar workers” is about the family acaryas or ghrii acaryas: people who not only devote themselves to family life and work...

#pracar inspirations

Event: Kaoshikii Class  https://tantrayogamoverjuntos.blogspot.com/2019/08/oficina-de-kaoshikii.html   Where: Panambi Casa de Cultura e Bem Estar - Florianópolis - SC -  Brasil  When: August 17th, 2019 Picture by: Panambi Casa de Cultura e Bem Estar  Pracaraka: Krsná Devi...

Samgiita, the three very useful practices in the spiritual life

Giita, or music, is one of the three practices that form samgiita. And what is the samgiita? A group of artistic practices related to music. In addition to giita,...

The second meeting of women in coordinated cooperation in Brazil

“We are for the creation of a powerful, dynamic and emerging social conscience, especially among women, so that they may be inspired to rise, abolish dogmas, annihilate all symbols...

Thoughts and inspiration in the sixth issue of the Dharma for all Journal magazine

https://issuu.com/dharmaforalljournal/docs/issue__6_-_english_ The article about the different ways of practicing and enjoying kiirtan was the most read from this issue. Did you read this one? Kamaleshvara's story, Ghrii Acarya in Italy, inspired us...

About Dharma for All Journal

"Dharma for all Journal - Good News Connecting Us" is a newsletter produced by Dharma for all, a nonprofit organization. Its purpose is to share content that strengthens people who identify with the principles of Ananda Marga and make it easier for those principles to reach more people with breadth, impact and efficiency.

The content is directed to the entire Ananda Marga community, regardless of lines, institutions or groups. Publications are held weekly on the Dharma for All Journal website and on the Facebook page, and at the end of the month they are organized in a Digital Magazine. To accompany us, short our page and / or subscribe to our site to receive the magazine. It is free.

Inspire and provoke – what do you expect of us?

We began the sixth edition of the Dharma for all the Journal - the last one of 2018. We feel young, with a mix...

The different ways to practice and enjoy kiirtan

In Ananda Marga, when the subject is kiirtan, what usually comes to mind is the singing of Baba nam kevalam. However, there are different...


The fact that the fortune of every individual, not only of this earth, but of the entire cosmos, has been wreathed together, will have...

#pracar inspirations

Event: Prana - Yoga na Natureza Where: Araruama - RJ, Brasil When: Fall - April 21st, 2018 Picture: Copyright © 2019 Dropê Fotografia Pracarakas: Krsna (Paulo Dias), Roshnii...

Success outside, success within – the history of the Italian Ghrii Acarya Kamaleshvara

Going back to Italy, after his first trip to India to see Baba, Kamaleshvara (Christian Franceschini), he received a task from Acarya Rainjitananda Avadhuta:...

The anti-inflammatory recipe by Kaelash, yoga therapist, and teacher of the Living food lifestyle®

Kaelash Neels, 40, German of Herdecke, at the age of five already knew that Baba lived within him, he was born in an anandamargii...