Success outside, success within – the history of the Italian Ghrii Acarya Kamaleshvara

Going back to Italy, after his first trip to India to see Baba, Kamaleshvara (Christian Franceschini), he received a task from Acarya Rainjitananda Avadhuta: to organize a speech, in one place where Ananda Marga...

Surfing the uncertainties of life

As I write the profiles of this section, I realize that in the DNA of an anandamargii there exists the travelers, time and place molecules, along with the notion that we are passing through,...

Family Connection

July is vacation month: a short winter vacation in the southern hemisphere, and a long and celebrated summer vacation in the northern hemisphere. It was in this atmosphere of school break, of travels and...

Life out of the box – how Jayadevi combined Tantra and physical disciplines to...

In a pracaraka’s path, it is common to have many challenges, joys, and even shocks. It is that way in Tantra — when one light comes on, another needs to be changed. The trajectory of...

Engineering with purpose

I find it intriguing when I meet someone who, from a very early age in life, demonstrates the clarity of his dharma, and who, moreover, persists in pursuing it, even when faced with obstacles...
krsna araruama

Dawn on the hill, what beauty

It is from the hilltop of Boa Vista, in the Rio de Janeiro municipality of Araruama, that Krsna, also known as Kiko, 38, admires the sunrise and sunset. While practicing asanas and meditation, alone...

About Dharma for All Journal

"Dharma for all Journal - Good News Connecting Us" is a newsletter produced by Dharma for all, a nonprofit organization. Its purpose is to share content that strengthens people who identify with the principles of Ananda Marga and make it easier for those principles to reach more people with breadth, impact and efficiency.

The content is directed to the entire Ananda Marga community, regardless of lines, institutions or groups. Publications are held weekly on the Dharma for All Journal website and on the Facebook page, and at the end of the month they are organized in a Digital Magazine. To accompany us, short our page and / or subscribe to our site to receive the magazine. It is free.