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Planet Earth – Let’s sing 30 min of kiirtan TOGETHER
Sunday, May 26, 2019

(português abaixo)
Namaskar Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We would like to extend our most cordial invitation to fellow margiis from all corners of the world to participate in the Global Kiirtan Movement transpiring on the 26th of May 2019 (please refer to the next page for local times of major cities).
The main aspiration of this Kiirtan movement is to facilitate the materialization of the spirit of Samgachhadvam and Togetherness on a global scale, to move as one, to ideate as one, all for our most Beloved One. In other words, this Kiirtan event is open to all Margiis and aims to be a multi-collaborative effort of Margiis from different countries, and different backgrounds so as to truly achieve a Kiirtan Beyond Borders and Boundaries.
We would also like to present this Global Kiirtan Movement as a gift to our Beloved Baba in the sincerest hope that this will bring Him maximum pleasure from the collective devotion and ideation of so many of His Children joining Together in Singing His Divine Name.
In lieu, we will be singing Kiirtan at the same time globally (11.30pm UTC) for 30 minutes so that Margiis across the world from San Francisco (4.30am local time) to Auckland (11.30pm local time) may join in to create a tremendous collective force with so many minds moving under His Inspiration. Therefore, with this in mind, it is of paramount importance to perform the Global Kiirtan whether individually or in a group, with the Ideation of Togetherness so as to amplify the beneficial vibrations generated many times fold. Together, let us help create positive shifts in global consciousness and accelerate the evolution of all Beings towards Him!
Once again, we welcome all margiis from the depths of our hearts to join us in Togetherness as one Universal Family for His pleasure, our Cosmic Father and for the welfare of all creation. With our deepest gratitude and appreciation,
Thank You!
Additionally, we have set up a facebook page (Unite Kiirtan Together) with information and updates regarding the Global Kiirtan Movement event:
Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any queries and help us spread the message far and wide to all margiis.
Afghanistan ?? 4:00 PM,
Argentina ?? 8:30 AM,
Abu Dhabi – 3:30 PM,
Austria ?? 1:00 PM,
Australia ?? 9:30 PM,
Bahrain ?? 2:30 PM,
Bali- 7:30 PM,
Bangladesh ?? 5:30 PM,
Belarus ?? 2:30 PM,
Belgium ?? 1:30 PM,
Bhutan ?? 5:30 PM,
Brazil – Brasilia ?? 8:30 AM,
(Burma) Myanmar ?? 6:00 PM, Canada ?? (Toronto) 7:30 AM,
Canada ?? (Vancouver) 4:30 AM, Chile ?? 7:30 AM,
China ?? 7:30 PM,
Chicago ?? 6:30 AM,
Colombia ?? 7:30 AM,
Congo-12:30 AM (Kinshasa)
Congo-1:30 PM (Lubumbashi),
Croatia ?? 1:30 PM,
Cuba ?? 7:30 AM,
Cyprus ?? 2:30 PM,
Czech Republic ?? 1:30 PM, Denmark ?? 1:30 PM,
Denver USA ?? 5:30 AM,
Dubai – 3:30 PM,
Ecuador ?? 6:30 AM,
Egypt ?? 1:30 PM,
Fiji ?? 11:30 PM,
Finland ?? 2:30 PM,
Florida USA ?? 7:30 AM,
France ?? 1:30 PM,
Georgia ?? 3:30 PM,
Georgia USA ?? 7:30 AM, Germany ?? 1:30 PM,
Ghana ?? 11:30 AM,
Greece ?? 2:30 PM,
Guatemala ?? 5:30 AM,
Haiti ?? 7:30 AM,
Hongkong ?? 7:30 PM,
Hungary ?? 1:30 PM,
Iceland ?? 11:30 AM,
India ?? 5:00 PM,
Indonesia ?? 6:30 PM,
Iran ?? 4:00 PM,
Iraq ?? 2:30 PM,
Israel ?? 2:30 PM,
Italy ?? 1:30 PM,
Jamaica ?? 6:30 AM,
Japan ?? 8:30 PM,
Johannesburg – 1:30 PM,
Jordan ?? 2:30 PM,
Kenya ?? 2:30 PM,
Kuwait ?? 2:30 PM,
Lebanon ?? 2:30 PM,
Libya ?? 1:30 PM,
Luxembourg ?? 1:30 PM,
Los Angeles- 4:30 AM,
Malaysia ?? 7:30 PM,
Maldives ?? 4:30 PM,
Malta ?? 1:30 PM,
Mauritius ?? 3:30 PM,
Mexico ?? 6:30 AM,
Moldova ?? 2:30 PM,
Mongolia ?? 7:30 PM,
Morocco ?? 12:30 AM,
Nairobi ?? 2:30 PM,
Namibia ?? 1:30 PM,
Nepal ?? 5:15 PM,
Netherlands ?? 1:30 PM,
New Zealand ?? 11:30 PM,
Nigeria ?? 12:30 AM,
New York – 7:30 AM,
North Korea ?? 8:00 PM,
Norway ?? 1:30 PM,
Oman ?? 3:30 PM,
Pakistan ?? 4:30 PM,
Peru ?? 6:30 AM,
Philippines ?? 7:30 PM,
Poland ?? 1:30 PM,
Portugal ?? 12:30 AM,
Qatar ?? 2:30 PM,
Reo de Janeiro Brazil ?? 8:30 AM, Romania ?? 2:30 PM,
Russia Moscow ?? 2:30 PM,
Saudi Arabia ?? 2:30 PM,
Singapore ?? 7:30 PM,
Somalia ?? 2:30 PM,
South Africa ?? 1:30 PM,
South Korea ?? 8:30 PM,
Spain ?? 1:30 PM,
Sri Lanka ?? 5:00 PM,
Sudan ?? 1:30 PM,
Suriname ?? 8:30 AM,
Sweden ?? 1:30 PM,
Switzerland ?? 1:30 PM,
Syria ?? 2:30 PM,
Thailand ?? 6:30 PM,
Togo ?? 11:30 AM,
Turkey ?? 2:30 PM,
Tokyo Japan ?? 8:30 PM,
UK ?? 12:30 AM,
Ukraine ?? 2:30 PM,
UAE ?? 3:30 PM,
Vietnam ?? 6:30 PM,
Zimbabwe ?? 1:30 PM
Baba Nam Kevalam

In Him and for Him,
Most Sincerely,
Global Kiirtan Movement Unit
Namaskar queridos irmãos e irmãs,
Gostaríamos de convidar todos os margiis, de todos os cantos do mundo, a participarem do Global Kiirtan Movement, que ocorrerá no dia 26 de maio de 2019, UTC 11:30 (veja a listagem abaixo dos horários para cada local de grandes cidades).
A maior aspiração desse movimento é facilitar a materialização do espírito de samgachhadvam e movermos todos juntos em uma escala global: a nos movermos como UM, idearmos como UM, tudo para o nosso Amado. Em outras palavras, o evento convida todos os margiis de diferentes países e diferentes culturas, que querem fazer um esforço colaborativo para que o kiirtan verdadeiramente vá além de diversas barreiras.
Nós também gostaríamos de usar esse movimento, resultado da ideação e devoção coletiva de unir suas crianças e cantar Seu divino nome, como um presente para o nosso Amado Baba com sincera esperança que este ato irá deixá-Lo muito feliz.
Desta forma, cantaremos kiirtan ao mesmo tempo (11:30 UTC) por 30 min, para que margiis do todo o mundo, de São Francisco (hora local 4:30am) a Auckland (hora local 11:30pm) possam participar em criar uma força coletiva tremenda, com tantas mentes sobre a mesma inspiração. Essa ideação conjunta, seja feita individualmente ou em grupo, amplifica o benefício das vibrações geradas, e podemos juntos ajudar a criar mudanças positivas de consciência global e acelerar a evolução de todos os seres em direção a Ele!
Mais um vez, acolhemos todos os margiis do fundo do nosso coração para estarem conosco como UMA família universal para agradá-Lo, nosso Pai Cósmico e para o bem de toda a criação.
Nossa mais profunda gratidão,
Veja também a nossa página no facebook (Unite Kiirtan Together) com informações e atualizações do movimento:
Sinta-se livre em entrar em contato com perguntas e nos ajude a espalhar essa mensagem.
Baba Nam Kevalam
Nele e por Ele,
Global Kiirtan Movement Unit